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It Is Possible

Stories of Recovery

The It Is Possible campaign is a region wide campaign promoting messaging of recovery in Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe, and Washtenaw counties.

CMHPSM partnered with the Washtenaw County Health Department to promote this messaging. Messages of hope are displayed throughout the region by sharing first-hand stories of recovery from members of the community.

The It Is Possible campaign elevates recovery and harm reduction, including messaging and local resources. 

It Is Possible Website is located Here

It is Possible Campaign Flyer in Spanish
It is Possible Campaign Flyer for Livingston
Recovery is Possible Flyer for Washtenaw
Recovery is Possible Flyer for Monroe

Free materials are available for distribution through the It Is Possible website. Materials include posters, pocket cards, stickers, magnets, tote bags, and tumblers. If you or someone you know is interested in ordering materials, please click the link

Stories of Recovery 

"I walked into the rooms of recovery on 02/18/13 when alcohol had become a major problem in my life and I was unable to stop on my own. In the rooms, I met people who thought like me, felt like me and used substances for relief the same way I did. I found a sponsor and jumped into recovery with both feet. I was told to 'come all the way in and sit all the way down.' I was told that if I am just 'around' recovery and not doing the work, I will get 'picked off' so I need to get 'in the middle of the herd.' I only had to stay sober ONE DAY AT A TIME. I worked the steps with my sponsor and I had an entire psychic change in my character. I began to do 'the next right thing' and my life got like remarkably better. I became a sponsor and I continue to carry the message to others who are still sick and suffering. The rooms of recovery have given me a life I never knew was possible. If I want to stay sober, I have to continue to work on my recovery every single day, but I never have to do it alone." 

-Katie, Livingston County 


"As I child I suffered from PTSD after witnessing a family member commit suicide. Into my adolescent years I found myself in an abusive relationship with a child at the age of 17. When I finally did leave the toxic relationship with my child's father, I found myself hanging out with problematic people. I was always rather shy and when I found cocaine, I felt all my troubles dissipate. For seven years I struggled to quit my habit as it had taken over many aspects of my life. Through the tough love of family and much discipline I grounded myself and delved into gardening. Today I have 11 years without that monkey on my back and life couldn't be better." 

-Michelle, Lenawee County 

Harm Reduction Information 

Monroe Naloxone definition - spanish.png
Naloxone - Lenawee.png

County Specific Toolkits

Free social media graphics can also be found through the It Is Possible website. These graphics have been created for each county in the region Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe, and Washtenaw. Toolkits include social media graphics and captions, Zoom backgrounds, videos, photos of harm reduction tools, and more. Toolkits are easily accessible by visiting the website and clicking on your desired county here

Lenawee Toolkit.png
Livingston Toolkit.png
Monroe Toolkit.png
Washtenaw Toolkit.png
Harm Reduction Information
It Is Possible Campaign
County Specific Toolkits

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