State & Regional SUD Prevention Information

Prevention professionals use SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) as a comprehensive guide to plan, implement, and evaluate prevention efforts.
The SPF reflects a community-based approach to prevention efforts and helps states, tribes, and jurisdictions build the infrastructure necessary for successful outcomes.
Click the button above for more information.

A Prevention Prepared Community is a community equipped to use a comprehensive mix of data-driven prevention strategies, interventions, and programs across multiple sectors to promote emotional health and reduce the likelihood of mental illness, substance abuse (including tobacco), and suicide.
Click the button above for more information.

The Michigan Substance Use Data Repository was created through a federal grant to the State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) of the Office of Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (OROSC) within the Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Administration to provide data for local prevention agencies and coalitions to assist in their programming decisions.
Click the button above to access the Substance Use Data Repository.

The Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals (MCBAP) is a member of the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC), and the most active authority for professional substance use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery credentialing in Michigan. The MCBAP is the credentialing board for Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS) and Certified Prevention Consultant - Reciprocal (CPC-R) certifications.
Click the button above to access the Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals website.

Click on the button above to access the CMHPSM Prevention Provider Toolkit information and resources.

Click on the button above to access the Regional Vaping Prevention Initiative - Vaping Is Nicotine website. The Regional Vaping Prevention Initiative is managed by Karen Bergbower and Associates. The website includes a variety of information, including downloadable vaping prevention resources.
Click on the button above for a list of commonly used acronyms that are utilized within the Michigan behavioral health system.